Hi! My name is Kim Holland. 
My love for photography started when I was ten years old and received my first camera. Growing up I was very shy so hiding behind a camera was very comforting. I could be a part of any activity rather than the center and have wonderful photos of the event to share with my friends.
I am married with two wonderful grown children and I must say that I am no longer shy!  My family probably wishes I kept some of that shyness. Throughout the children's school years I became the "unofficial" school photographer who documented every class, theater, choral or sporting event etc. I made my photos accessible to all the parents so they could also have these special moments captured in time of their children. Eventually I had requests to take family portraits, holiday card photos or to purchase a photograph which became the start of Kim Holland Photography.
I love being able to capture the beauty I see in everything I choose to photograph from a person or a tiny bug to a breathtaking sunset. I hope my photos elicit joy to those who view them. 

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